We started our adventure going to Springfield and being set apart—given a priesthood blessing-- by our Stake President. We felt the blessing and strength of the Lord. We started toward Utah and our week of training before we leave for Kenya.
Alas, one of the largest snow storms in 12 years stood between us and Provo. We drove through snow, wind and ice for the last 3 hours before getting to Cheyenne—our destination for the night… and it turned out to be our destination for all the next day and that night as we were snowed in. We stayed at Warren Air Force Base, and it was closed due to the snow—as was Hwy 80.
As we drove onto the base today we saw a herd of antelope-- maybe 50-60 grazing beside the road. They didn't seem bothered by cars at all.
We hope to be on our way again tomorrow.