Friday, February 12, 2010

Things I'm Thankful for...

Following are some of the things for which I am thankful, at least today; tomorrow will have a different lineup. You may wonder about my choice of images; a valid question. It is probably just a guy thing.
So, here is my first selection of things I am thankful for: moderate temperatures with low humidity. Ok, so this themometer is in the dining room and we are warm, but it could be worse. However, this climate is great for growing beautiful plants, trees and flowers (is this the time to mention we can get a dozen fresh roses for about $1.40?) as well as an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables which we are enjoying on a daily basis
My second selection, is yes, rather bizzare. I have included this for a special reason, aside from the normal convenience of having a real toilet to use. This one is in our bathroom and is now connected to a continuous water supply! Heretofore, it was connected to the municiple water supply, which is available about 12 hours a day, except for those times when it doesn't flow at all, like about 50% of those 12 hours. Most of the time when we needed to flush, we had to fill the bucket and pour the water into the tank. And how did this miraculous event transpire? The plumber came to resolve several issues this week, and this was one of them.
Third selection is connected to the second; the plumber also fixed our water leak at the kitchen faucet. About 1/3 of the water didn't make it into the container because of various leaks here and there. Here, you can see a water pitcher being filled with filtered water (the filters are to the right). And if you are good at multi tasking, you can get a lot done while you wait for this two quart container to fill.

Those living in Kenya will understand why mayo is included in my list; the brands normally available in the stores here do not compare as favorably as, say, Hellmann's brand. In our three months here this is the first time we have seen Hellmann's; today we were shopping at Nakumatt (like your local Walmart) and we saw these three jars on the shelf. We practically fell over each other whisking them off the shelf and into our cart! And the only reason we didn't buy more is because there were only three! One lesson we have learned here: buy it when you see it (and plenty of them if you really like it), it may not be there next time.

My fifth selection for thankful things is rather obvious. And it is for that very reason that I have included my wife in my gratitude list; she is often unappreciated by me. Without her, there would be no mission in Kenya, and I (we) would not be having such wonderful spiritual experiences, enjoying the great friendships we have established, and helping the super people in Kenya strengthen their testimonies of Jesus Christ. She is a great example to me, a continuous source of inspiration, and unlike the water supply or the mayo, she is my companion 24/7!

Hope you all find things today to be grateful for today, and tomorrow, and the next day...

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