On Thursday President Taylor—the Mission President came to visit. He interviewed the missionaries and brought packages of goodies! We got Rebecca’s book about our family which both the President and his wife read. Such cute pictures! We invited them to dinner and had Carbinara—thank you Rebecca for your recipe. It was so nice to spend time with them; they are such great people.
Friday Tom decreed we would get up early and take pictures of all the birds around. We live in a house with 28 windows and most of them are open all the time, so what one hears outside is what one hears inside. The video clip is to let you hear what we hear each morning.
We discovered the birds are noisy, but they don’t show themselves very much. And that a zoom camera, not held totally still gives blurry pictures.
In the early afternoon we visited Bro. Mogere. He is a doctor and so is his wife. We visited their home and the clinic. They do much good. People come even when they can’t pay and they treat them. The compound also has baby goats, chickens and chicks, geese, turkey and chicks and a host of wild birds. This is his clinic.
On our way to Manyatta to visit Jackie, we had to stop and wait for the cows to pass. Note the hood of the truck at the bottom of the photo. Can you see they are rushing to pass? not.
Saturday morning we had a baptism of Bro. Lueboh. He was stricken with polio at an early age and walks with crutches. We have arranged a 3-wheeled bike for him. They call them wheel chairs, but they have the pedals on the handlebars. He can bike miles with this kind of thing. We went to the resort pool to baptize him so he didn’t have to climb the ladder. Nice baptism.
In the afternoon we went to visit a young couple who lives past the airport. We wandered down some dusty roads before finding their home. The truck turned from blue to rust colored with all the dust! Again, they had several neighbors come and learn about another testament of Jesus Christ—the Book of Mormon. How descendents from Joseph of Israel were commanded by God to travel to a new land and how prophets of these people testified that Christ would come, and after his coming in Jerusalem, testified that he was our savior.
Wow! Love the blog and the photos are outstanding--along with the commentary. Those birds are so noisy we don't know how you sleep. No complaining about traffic noises for us from now on.